Shelter Layouts Pvt Ltd

Should you Invest in Real Estate or Stocks : Confused, which is the Real Deal? Returns at 20%

Deciding whether to invest in real estate or stocks is a hot topic these days with all that is currently going on in the economy. The unexpected collapse of the economy has caused many individuals who have their funds tied up in stocks to seriously rethink their retirement savings strategy.

Regular everyday people who have been diligently building up a substantial retirement fund have been woken up to the fact that a huge portion of their money is now gone. This realisation has led them to look for a better way to invest their money. To search for a way to recession proof their investment, and have more control over it. The answer they came up with is investing their funds in real estate.

Let’s take a look at specific investments that involve the stock market, as well as real estate investments such as rental properties:

Investing in Stocks can Cause You to Lose Your Life’s Savings

The money you have been saving almost your entire life, your comfortable retirement plans, can be taken away from you instantly, leaving you with not enough funds to retire on. This may cause you to continue to work when you planned on spending your golden years relaxing.

If you have already lost a considerable amount of money due to a stock market downturn (Invest in real estate), we suggest that instead of leaving your money in the same risky place and starting all over again, you may want to think about investing your funds in real estate. It’s clearly a smart alternative. To understand why let’s dive into the cons of investing in the stock market

The Stock Market is Volatile Even When There is No Economic Crisis

The stock market is volatile; it’s just its nature. This means that your retirement funds are subjected to a whole host of factors that can bring about roller coaster highs and lows, even when the economy is doing well. A few things that can impact the state of the stock market are supply and demand, seasonality, war, panic, trader emotions, political factors, interest rates, inflation, and more. Why would anyone want to subject their precious money to all that!

When Investing in Stocks Your Life’s Savings is in the Hands of People You Don’t Even Know

Investing in stocks was designed for Dalal Street, professional investment companies, and day traders who know what they are doing, not for the average person. For this reason, 401ks and IRAs are managed by custodians who invest your money for you. In addition to this, they receive commissions from your investments. These individuals typically work for financial planning companies such as MoneyControl and ValueReasearch, to name a few.

When you really think about it, are you 100 percent comfortable leaving them with total control of your retirement funds? Wouldn’t it be wiser to control that money yourself? This can be easily done by investing in real estate instead of the stock market.

Investing in Real Estate is a Safe and Reliable Wealth Building Strategy

The numbers, statistics, history, and many other factors have proven real estate to be a successful and reliable way to grow your retirement funds, as well as have total control over every aspect of it. Imagine not having a single fear that your retirement nest egg will be taken away from you. Or imagine knowing the money you invested is recession-proof and won’t be taken down during economic turmoil. You’re starting to see the big picture now, right? Let’s dive into why investing in real estate vs stocks could be the best financial move you could make. Let’s start, Invest in real estate.

When You Invest in Rental Real Estate You’re Not Subjected to the Volatile Stock Market

You most likely now have a good understanding of how vulnerable your funds are to the ups and downs of the stock market. When your money is invested in rental property (invest in real estate), you are disassociated from the stock market. Other investors will chance to lose their entire life’s savings at the temperament of the stock market, but you won’t. Your funds will be safe and sound in your rental real estate that has nothing to do with stocks.

Owning Real Estate Instead of Stocks Allows You to Recession-Proof Your Investment

When you place your money in rental real estate, you are recession proofing your investment. Also invest in real estate is the key factor, This means that even if the economy tanks and everyone has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars, your investment is safe, far from the downward spiral of the economy. That sounds reassuring, doesn’t it?

You see, a real estate investment does not rely on factors having to do with the economy. It can rely on stable factors such as the fact that a hospital or grocery store is just around the corner providing essential jobs that ensure a steady tenant. They can be labeled as recession-resistant places of employment. Or, your property relies on the fact that it’s located in a growing market, a certain class neighborhood, and the like.

All these things are researched and selected right from the start, start at early stage invest in real estate giving you control over your investment strategy. So, you won’t have to hope that your money will be safe like you do with stock related retirement accounts. Your investment in real estate money WILL be safe if invested in a piece of real estate and invest in real estate is absolute secure than stocks.

You Have 100 Percent Control over Your Real Estate Investments

As mentioned, when you place your money in typical retirement savings accounts, you’re investing in such a way that gives someone else control over what you’re investing in. You also have no control over the stock market’s ups and downs. The combination of the two results in you not having control of what you’re placing your money into. However, when you invest in real estate as opposed to stocks, you are in the driver’s seat. You have total control over your investment decisions – when you invest in real estate, how you invest, what you invest in, and everything in between.

Investing in Real Tangible Assets vs. Paper Assets is a Smart Move

Paper assets such as stocks are highly volatile and subject to inflation. In contrast, investing in real estate will provide you with a real tangible asset that is not negatively impacted by inflation. In fact, when inflation occurs, real assets such as investment properties provide a great hedge against inflation, and typically grow or increase in value with inflation.

Rental Real Estate Produces a Steady Cash Flow Month After Month

Stocks can make you money over time, but there is always that possibility that your money can disappear overnight if an economic disaster were to occur. With rental properties, when the economy is having problems, you will still continue to get that rent check and cash flow you have been receiving month after month. So Invest in real estate is the bottom line is, no matter what’s going on in the world, people still need a place to live, and you will still receive your rental checks each month. Having a steady cash flow makes investing in real estate vs stocks an attractive option.

Conclusion: Invest in Real Estate

Now that you have had an eye-opening experience as to what it really means to have your funds invested in the stock market, we’re guessing that you want out! Why would anyone want their life savings in a risky and volatile stock market? So, Invest in real estate rather stocks. We are here for you and can help you get set up with tangible, reliable, cash flowing Plots or Sites that will allow you to build great wealth.

If we have to leave you with one statement, it would be this – Always remember that it doesn’t matter if the stock market crashes or the economy collapses, a real estate investment will remain safe, and investing in real estate will continue to provide you with a monthly cash flow. If you are tired of having your funds be at the mercy of the ups and downs of the stock market, request a site visit  to check our latest projects with Shelter Layouts Pvt. Ltd. We would love to speak with you.

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